About us

Pattern Pattern

We are a brand and digital agency on a mission to make the world more captivating and less frustrating, allowing people to find the space they need to dream big.


Make space to dream

7DOTS is built around this shared purpose. It defines why we're here as an agency and is our daily reminder of what we are aiming to achieve - as individuals, on behalf of our clients and in the world at large.

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Our people

We try to remember to always think further. Push ourselves to go beyond what we currently know. We are forever learning as new knowledge may take us to new places.

And we like to make sure we are always striving to find the headspace for our passions both at work and outside.


Our clients

We will take your brief and push against its walls – to make space to deliver something more than you’d dared to dream of.

And the experience of working with us will hopefully provide you with the reassurance, inspiration, encouragement to explore your dreams.

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The world

It’s a vital reminder to us all to make sure we ring-fence time in our lives to dream.

And in our work as 7DOTS, if we can build captivating digital experiences for our clients’ clients that bring joy – and avoid frustration – then hopefully we are helping people to find the space that they need to dream.


Combined client revenue to date


14 years in the making


top tier industry talent


Team approach


Growth year-on-year

Leadership Team

  • Sam Page


  • Ed Gossage

    Chairman & CTO

  • Nicola Fish

    Strategy Director

  • Missy Clements

    Client Experience Director

  • Nick Williams

    Demand Generation Director

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